YFPA Tour of Laran Bronze

Saturday May 11

10:15 AM  –  11:45 AM

Join the Young Friends of the Preservation Alliance to tour the Laran Bronze Foundry on Saturday, May 11, at 10:15 AM.

Established in 1984, Laran Bronze is one of the world’s premier foundries for fine art casting. They have worked on several notable projects, including the World War II Memorial in DC. Its foundry is housed in the former Robert Wetherill & Co., which operated from 1872 to 1916. Wetherill manufactured Corliss Steam Engines, including the one that powered the Machinery Hall at the 1876 Exposition in Fairmount Park. The engine wowed the world, highlighting American ingenuity. 

We are excited to welcome you to tour this remnant of Greater Philadelphia's industrial past and learn how Laran Bronze utilizes the space in its impressive work. 

The foundry is located at 310 East 6th Street, Chester, PA 19013. Some parking is available on site. It is also a short walk from the Chester stop on the Wilmington-Newark Regional Rail Line, which has a scheduled train arrival of 10:03 AM. There is a Route 37 bus stop nearby. 

Space is limited. Advance registration is required. Email youngfriends@preservationalliance.com to join the waitlist for a sold out tour!

